6 reasons why customers abandon their carts and how to combat them

Abandoned Cart

Imagine the following scenario:  Jane is just waiting her round at the medical center for a routine check-out. She gets out her phone and starts sailing on her favorite ecommerce page.  She liked some items and put them in the cart, and suddenly she heard her name and has to meet the doctor. She leaves the cart and puts away her phone.

Does it sound familiar?

1 .They get shocked by the price when the taxes are not included

Everyone wants to know exactly how much the products cost and what are the additional fees they have to pay. One of the best solutions is to display the prices with the taxes on the magento catalogue and product page, so the customers will automatically see the total costs.

In the same time, adding extra fees at the end of the checkout is quite unfair. You might think that if you display a higher price on the product page will stop the customers from adding the product into the cart, but in this case, is worse if at the end of the checkout they see new “surprise” fees.

2. They have concerns about data and transaction security

Sometimes magento stores ignore the privacy policy page, even if it’s an essential element of any online business pages. It is the page where you earn the customer’s trust with providing transparency and explaining them exactly how you collect their personal data and where you store it. Of course, this is the first step. The second step is onto you, to fulfill the declarations made in the Privacy Policy.

3. Customers conduct research on pricing with an intent to purchase later

Everybody wants to make the best deal. It is exactly as in real life. Let’s say you want to buy a product, and on the shelves you see multiple types from that product and you analyze which one would be the best deal, especially on price and quality rate. Clients do the same when they shop online. So how could you win these customers?

If you have the customer’s email address, send abandoned cart reminder emails and consider to offer them a discount if he finishes the order now. It is also a great reminder for them if you display their cart products in the email.

Don’t forget to add the call to action button, like “shop now”, “get your products” or “order now”

4. Saving the cart is not effortless

Have you experienced the fact that when you add something in your cart then go back to the product page, everything you add in your cart just..pooof… disappears? It is so annoying, doesn’t it?

Use the magento persistent cart method. Every time a customer adds something to the cart and goes back to the main page, the information will be saved. Especially for guest users, the persistent cart is the only way to save their shopping list and retrieve it the next time they use your magento website. It is also important to mention, this method does not expose sensitive account informations. See how you can activate the persistent cart option

5. They find the checkout process too hard and it takes too much time

Make it short and simple. You will see that your website’s conversion rate will increase just by simplifying the checkout steps, so the lesser number of clicks, the higher your conversion rate will be.

Opt for a Magento One-Page Checkout extension. It lowers the time to complete the checkout, and the customers are less likely to get annoyed by thinking “how many steps do I have left to complete the checkout?”. It is the best to remove these barriers and summarize them in one page.

Do not make registration necessary for checkout, quest checkout is a standard magento feature and you should enable it. It is one of the most common mistakes resulting the abandoned carts. Do not force your customers to make an account. People doesn’t like to be forced to do unnecessary things.

Provide Multiple Payment Options. This is the page where the visitors become paying customers. People expect the websites to adapt to their needs, not vice versa. You can take a look on your target audience to see which payment methods are the most common and add them to your website.

6. Your E-commerce store is running slowly

People are busy and people are wanting, the customer will not wait for your site to load up. More than 1 second waiting means their wallets close shut! Check our performance optimization service page, there you will find all about the importance of the E-commerce page load.